Category: Alaska Native Medical Center

When staying at the Alaska Native Medical Center hospital, it’s important for our children to be comfortable so they can start to feel better. Something as small as a soft, cuddly teddy bear can make a kid feel cozier in his or her hospital bed. Thanks to the Alaska Zoo and their generous visitors and donors, 50 stuffed polar teddy bears were delivered to ANMC Inpatient Pediatrics just in time for the holidays. The stuffed animals were donated through the ...

The ANMC Ophthalmology Clinic recently celebrated Allied Ophthalmic Personnel (AOP) Week, which recognized our highly trained and dedicated ophthalmic technicians. The ANMC Ophthalmology Clinic currently has seven ophthalmic technicians. Six of the ophthalmic technicians are currently Certified Ophthalmic Assistants (COA), with one working on their COA credential. An additional technician is working toward their Certified Ophthalmic Technician credential. Our ophthalmic technicians play an important role in the examination process by working under the direction of board-certified ophthalmologists. Our technicians are ...

Patients now have greater access to their limited health record and health care team thanks to MyHealth. MyHealth is a health management tool provided by Cerner® and a way for patients to access some of their health records online. MyHealth is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) compliant and provides you with the ability to securely view, store, and share your health information, and conveniently communicate with your health care provider. Organizations of the Alaska Tribal Health ...

The fall season often means the return of moose stew, moose burgers and moose meat. Thanks to a generous donation by a local hunter, ANMC patients will get to enjoy these comforting foods that help in the healing process. Joe Schuster, from Sportsman’s Air Service, Alaska Professional Hunting Association Board Member, donated four moose quarters to ANMC’s Traditional Foods Program on Tuesday, Oct. 25. Executive Chef Amy Foote (left), ANMC VP of Professional and Support Services Vivian Echavarria (middle right) ...

ANMC’s Magnet nurses provide culturally appropriate, family-centered care in a unique hospital environment, and they are constantly seeking ways to improve the services and care we provide. In an effort to further recognize our nurses for their outstanding work, ANMC partnered with the DAISY Award, an international program that rewards and celebrates the extraordinary clinical skill and compassionate care given by nurses every day. Congratulations to ANMC DAISY Award honoree, Elizabeth Hesse, RN, in ANMC’s Critical Care Unit (CCU). Hesse ...

The Alaska Native Medical Center Cardiology department was recently reaccredited by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) in the areas of Adult Transthoracic and Adult Stress Echocardiography. ANMC Cardiology has been granted a three-year term of accreditation, which means that a panel of IAC experts performed a thorough review of the department’s operational and technical components. The IAC only grants accreditation to facilities that provide high-quality patient care and are in compliance with national standards, determined through a comprehensive application process ...