Category: Alaska Native Medical Center

On Tuesday, April 10, more than 60 ANTHC staff participated in a community-wide earthquake disaster response drill. The purpose of the drill was to practice disaster preparedness and response with other local hospitals, the Municipality of Anchorage and the State of Alaska Emergency Response office in preparation for future emergency events. ANTHC staff working at the ANMC hospital simulated their organizational response to a scenario that involved receiving a surge of mass casualty patients, including patients who have both minor ...

After traumatic injury sustained in a car accident near Fairbanks, Jaime Johnson traveled to Anchorage with his mother Hilda for specialty care the Alaska Native Medical Center Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Clinic. Read Part 1 of the Johnsons story here. Dr. Amalia Steinberg, of the ANMC ENT Clinic, wanted the Johnsons to stay in Anchorage for a follow-up appointment because of the difficulty of the surgery to repair the broken bone above Jaime’s eye. They were not expecting an ...

The new Alaska Native Medical Center Sleep Center recently opened in the new Alaska Pacific Medical Building. The Sleep Center provides consultations, sleep studies and evaluation of sleep disorders, patient education, mask fitting, and PAP desensitization. We are pleased to offer this new service for ANMC patients to help get on the path to better sleep. The Sleep Center offers health care services for adult patients and is accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. The Sleep Center is ...

ANMC’s Magnet nurses provide culturally appropriate, family-centered care in a unique hospital environment, and they are constantly seeking ways to improve the services and care we provide. In an effort to further recognize our nurses for their outstanding work, ANMC partnered with the DAISY Award, an international program that rewards and celebrates the extraordinary clinical skill and compassionate care given by nurses every day. Congratulations to ANMC DAISY Award honoree, Stephani Davey, RN, in ANMC’s Critical Care Unit (CCU). Davey ...

If you were not able to speak for yourself, how would you get the care you want? Advance Care Planning makes sure your health care wishes are known if you become unable to speak for yourself. Alaska Native Medical Center now has Advance Care Planning materials created specifically for Alaska Native and American Indian people. These materials, including the “Your Care, Your Choices” Conversation Guide, use storytelling and vivid imagery to take you down the path of Advance Care Planning ...

In celebration of ANTHC’s 20th year (2017-2018), we are republishing stories from our archives. A tree grows at ANMC. In fact, there are many trees that surround the Alaska Native Medical Center on Tudor Road, but one special spruce tree that began its life at the original Alaska Native Services Hospital (ANS) on 3rd Avenue in downtown Anchorage, continues to grow today on the Alaska Native Health Campus, just outside of the ANMC hospital. This wasn’t any old spruce – ...