Category: Alaska Native Medical Center

The Alaska Native Medical Center is constantly adding services and improving access to care for our people. ANMC now offers in-house hemodialysis to adult inpatients, a service previously only available to our adult patients in the Critical Care Unit (CCU). Hemodialysis for adult inpatients not admitted to the CCU is done in the Flex Unit. Patients come down for their treatments and then go back to their admitted rooms on floors four or five of the hospital. Previously, if an ...

ANMC Pharmacy and the Aurora Borealis Branch of Commissioned Officers Association partnered to join Project HOPE (Harm reduction, Overdose Prevention and Education) to help advance the Surgeon General’s initiative to equip individuals with the potentially lifesaving medication, naloxone. On July 12, 43 U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps Officers gathered to make 273 Project HOPE overdose response kits. According to the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) website, too much of an opioid can affect parts of the ...

For years, Alaska Native leaders negotiated with the U.S. Department of Agriculture for permission to serve traditional foods to those who could most benefit from their healing and comforting effects. ANTHC is a long-time advocate for the positive aspects of harvesting and eating traditional foods – and the ability to serve them to our patients and visitors at the Alaska Native Medical Center. ANMC Food and Nutrition Services currently serves a variety of traditional foods to our people who are ...

ANMC recently opened a simulation learning space in the lower level of the hospital. This new learning space is used in the orientation and development of all new nurses, or nurses moving into critical care areas that require additional specialized hands-on training. With the addition of the simulation lab, nursing orientation is more comprehensive, focused on providing the care for several types of patients. Many studies show that the use of simulation training improves patient safety and quality of care, ...

The Alaska Native Medical Center hospital recently received the Get With The Guidelines®-Resuscitation Silver Award for implementing specific quality improvement measures outlined by the American Heart Association (AHA) for the treatment of patients who suffer cardiac arrests in the hospital. According to the AHA, more than 200,000 adults and children have an in-hospital cardiac arrest each year. The Get With The Guidelines-Resuscitation program was developed with the goal to save lives of those who experience in-hospital cardiac arrests through consistently ...

The Alaska Native Medical Center was recently verified as a Level II Pediatric Trauma Center by the Verification Review Committee (VRC), an ad hoc committee of the Committee on Trauma (COT) of the American College of Surgeons (ACS). This achievement recognizes ANMC’s dedication to providing optimal care for injured pediatric patients. “Injury is the leading cause of death and disability for Alaska Native children,” said Dr. Frank Sacco, ANMC Chief of Surgery. “As a Level II Pediatric Trauma Center, ANMC ...