Liver Disease & Hepatitis Program

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Our mission is to conduct activities that will serve to improve the health of Alaska Native and American Indian persons who either have or are at risk of getting viral hepatitis or other liver diseases.

To read more about our program and clinical & research activities,

Resurrection Bay, Alaska Hepetitis Treatment Banner - courtesy of Brendan Smith/Wildlife Research Images
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Hep C – Treatment Information

Keeping track of recent treatment summaries and protocols related to Hepatitis C can be a challenge. We have broken down treatment summaries as they relate to each genotype.

Latest Links for Hepatitis C Clinical Care

AASLD Recommendations for Testing, Managing, and Treating Hep C  | FDA APPROVED DRUG SEARCH

Sovaldi® Prescribing Information | Harvoni® Prescribing Information  | Daklinza™ Prescribing Information 

Copegus® (Ribavirin) Prescribing Information | VIEKIRA PAK™ Prescribing Information

TECHNIVIE™ Prescribing Information - Genotype 4 Non-Cirrhotic

Hepatitis C Treatment Summaries

Genotype 1 Genotype 2* Genotype 3* Genotype
4, 5, 6*
Sovaldi® + Ribavirin
12 weeks*
Sovaldi® + Ribavirin
24 weeks**
  Daklinza™ + Sovaldi®
12 weeks

*Consult Liver Disease Specialist and refer to AASLD/IDSA Guidelines before prescribing treatment for persons with cirrhosis including decompensated cirrhosis, past treatment failure, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), pre- and post liver transplant, HIV or hepatitis B coinfection, or genotypes 4, 5, or 6.

Link to AASLD/IDSA Guidelines:

**Consider Sofosbuvir + Peginterferon + Ribavirin x 12 weeks in persons who were past treatment failures and are eligible to receive interferon.



LiverConnect offers case presentations by providers in Alaska with ANTHC liver disease specialists as well as a brief presentation on a liver disease topic. Please check the calendar for our upcoming schedule or check out the LiverConnect program for further information.


We offer answers to frequently asked questions from liver disease specialists.  Please submit your FAQ anonymously.
