Valerie Nurr’araluk Davidson


Valerie Nurr’araluk Davidson serves as President/CEO and oversees the Consortium’s governance and strategy for statewide Tribal health services that serve the Alaska Native and American Indian people living in Alaska.

Davidson previously served ANTHC as Senior Director of Legal and Intergovernmental Affairs and represented Alaska Native communities and health needs at federal, state and community levels.

Davidson, Yup’ik, is an enrolled Tribal citizen of the Orutsararmiut Traditional Native Council in Bethel.

Her previous experience includes serving as Lieutenant Governor of Alaska and Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Health & Social Services.

She earned a Bachelor of Education degree with a specialty in Early Childhood Education and a minor in Bilingual Education from the University of Alaska Southeast, and continued her education with a Juris Doctor degree from the University of New Mexico School of Law. She has employed her education and commitment to her Native peoples and Alaska to advance a collective and holistic approach to self-governance and well-being for all Alaskans.