ANTHC Pharmacy provides crucial service to patients needing help managing medications

March 27, 2015

The ANTHC Pharmacy provides many behind-the-scenes services to our patients and people across Alaska that go beyond filling prescriptions in-person and via the automated refill hotline. Often, additional work is needed to educate and counsel patients on the safe use of their medications. Medication education and safety is one of the biggest areas of focus for the pharmacy. Patients with many different prescriptions often need extra help managing their medications. Receiving several different bottles of medication can be overwhelming and confusing, so the ANTHC Pharmacy introduced a service called Mediset. Mediset is a custom medication delivery service provided for Elderly patients and patients who need extra help managing their medications. Providers must refer patients to receive the weekly Mediset hand-delivery service; currently, more than 500 patients in the Anchorage bowl are receiving this service. The medication box is labeled with the days of the week, with four different compartments for each day to make it as easy as possible for our patients to properly take their medication. “Mediset is a crucial service for patients who need a little extra help effectively managing their medications,” said Kara King, Outpatient Pharmacy Manager. “By providing pre-packaged medications to them on a weekly basis, we are adding an extra level of safety and eliminating any confusion on when to take each medication.” Mediset is one way in which the ANTHC Pharmacy is continuing to demonstrate the importance of medication safety for our people and the department welcomes the opportunity to expand the program with allocated staff and supplies. The expansion of the Mediset service has required the pharmacy to get creative with their space to accommodate the unique packaging and employees solely dedicated to fulfilling Mediset prescriptions. They added high-density rolling shelves to the area, as well as moved things around for maximum efficiency of their area. For more information on Mediset, contact Kara King at (907) 729-2161 or

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