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Behavioral Health Wellness Clinic

Promoting intergenerational wellness through compassionate and easy-to-connect to behavioral health care.

Feedback for BHWC

Please feel free to contact our clinic with any concerns, comments, compliments and questions. Please make sure to provide either your phone number or an email address if you would like a BHWC team member to contact you.

If this is an emergency, dial 911 or go to your local emergency response team. If you are not in immediate danger, but you would like to speak with someone, call or text 988 to reach the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. 988 can be used by anyone, any time.

Please keep in mind that communications you send via email over the internet from private email accounts are not secure. Although it is unlikely, there is a possibility that information you include in an email can be intercepted and read by other parties besides the person to whom it is addressed. If you still intend to send the information, please do not include personal identifying information such as your birth date, or personal medical information in any emails you send to us.